About Us

Founded in Ankara in 1958, TURKISH FOLKLORE RESEARCH CENTRE, shortly TUFAK, as the country's oldest folklore association, has been successfully performing its activities for the promotion of Turkish folk dances and culture and hand those down to the younger generations through various activities both at home and abroad with an amateur spirit for 67 years uninterruptedly.

TUFAK, which represents our country's culture successfully in numerous domestic and international activities since its establishment day till now on, has honored our country by winning World Prizes in Carthage (Tunis) in 1969, in Dijon (France) in 1981 and in Zwolen (Czechoslovakia) in 1985 in three international folklore competitions and successfully represented it.

TUFAK, which has been continuing to train our young people with Turkish folkdances and culture for 67 years with an amateur spirit and in a proper way, has the aim of enabling both thousands of our youngsters to proudly represent our country at home and abroad with these valuable cultural activities and behave as a cultural ambassador in the regions.

Having realized the first EU Youth Project in 2005 with youngsters from 4 countries in Cappadocia, TUFAK, through numerious Cultural Projects realized both in Turkey and abroad within the last 12 years, continues to represent Turkish culture in different (Folkdances and folk music, Traditional Turkish Cuisine , Traditional Children's Games, Traditional Folk Music Instruments, etc.), with hundreds of local and foreign young people.

TUFAK, as also been officially authorized by EU Ministry, performs its duties as a EU Volunteer Service Project Sender, Hosting and Coordinator organization.