Stowarzyszenie "DOM TANCA"

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Established in 1994, Dom Tańca [Dance-House] brings together people fascinated by Polish folk music and dance in their traditional forms. Association's main aim is to encourage 'first hand' experience of folk culture -  learning to dance, sing or play an instrument, if possible directly from village masters.

Dom Tańca is organiser of dance parties, workshops, field research projects, seminars and exhibitions. They are directed partly at city dwellers of all ages, partly towards inhabitants of villages and small towns, often endangered by unemployment and poverty. We want to remind the local communities that in spite of economical problems they face they own strong cultural potential originating in tradition which can be fruitfully utilized in the modern times.

Every summer the association hosts 'Tabor' - a week-long festival in the countryside. Its participants have a chance to work on dancing and musical skills under surveillance of village artists; for the local society it is an interesting get-together and a possibility to gain a new perspective on its own tradition. The festival has been also "a meeting place of cultures", featuring folk and folk-inspired artists from other European countries -  Hungary, France, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Serbia and Italy.

 Within the LTDM project Dom Tańca will:

- prepare a statement informing partners about traditional dance and music in Poland and the state of the organization's experience with this material;

- share its experiences in popularising and teaching of traditional arts within the modern society;

- manage the mobility of its employees and trainees, organizing seminars / workshops to teach Polish traditional dances and music during visits in the partnership countries;

- arrange a meeting of participating groups in Poland during the summer music and dance camp 'Tabor 2011';

- participate in the joint action planning, negotiating and documenting